Internships for graduate students / PhD students

Thanks to the Kinect sensor rich indoor datasets such as NYU and SUN3D provide 3D as well as semantic label information. Unfortunately, such datasets are missing for outdoor scenarios. We at MPI are interested in building such a dataset for evaluating next generation vision algorithms. Towards this goal, we have recorded 10 TB of streaming video using fisheye cameras mounted on top of a moving vehicle. In the scope of this project we are looking for interns interested in semantic 3D reconstruction, helping to create 3D urban city models at a very large-scale using multi-view geometry and Mechanical Turk. Research questions will be on large-scale 3D data generation, representation and labeling.

You possess an excellent Master's degree in computer science (or a related field), with a focus on computer vision. A solid mathematical background and very good programming (C++, Python, MATLAB) and computer (Linux, Windows) skills are required. You share our passion for teaching computers how to see and you have done some previous research in this field (e.g., internships, research papers, etc.). The internship will be for a period of 6 months with the possibility of extension.

We at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen offer a friendly working environment in a lovely old town, situated in a hilly area south of Stuttgart, Germany, with a high quality of life. Max Planck Institutes are internationally renowned and regarded as the foremost organization for fundamental research in Germany. This internship position is open at the Perceiving Systems Department in the MPI for Intelligent Systems, headed by Prof. Michael Black and will be supervised by Dr. Andreas Geiger. The working language is English. For more details, please contact me directly.

To apply for this position, please send your application to Your application must include your CV, university transcripts, academic records, references to people who can talk about your research abilities and a short research statement. Please also include your thesis and your latest research papers. If you have any further questions about this position, please contact me by mail.