The Perceiving Systems department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany announces several PhD scholarships as well as funded summer internships for graduate students in 2015. Research at Perceiving Systems is curiosity driven and spans a wide range of topics in computer vision, graphics and machine learning.
Internship in 3D Computer Vision at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen
Die Abteilung für wahrnehmende Systeme am Max Planck Institut für intelligente Systeme in Tübingen sucht mehrere talentierte Programmierer mit Erfahrung in Bildverarbeitung, Mustererkennung und/oder Grafiksystemen zur Unterstützung von Grundlagenforschungsprojekten im Bereich “Computer Vision”.
The MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen headed by Prof. Michael Black is looking for several highly talented programmers with strong technical knowledge of computer vision and/or graphics to support basic research projects in the area of computer vision.
We are seeking students interested in building princpled statistical models for solving problems in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. You will work an international team interested in building the best possible shape models. For details, see the PDF.
Visual Scene Understanding is one of the fundamental challenges in computer vision. While recent advances in object detection, semantic image segmentation and classification have spurred novel interest in the subject, most existing approaches work on single images only. At MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen we are interested in lifting semantic image segmentation into 3D and reasoning about objects spatially and temporally using mu...
The Perceiving Systems Department, headed by Michael J. Black (formerly of Brown University), pursues basic research in computer vision including
- Motion estimation: optical flow, layered models, scene flow.
- Scene modeling: image statistics, material properties, learning.
- Articulated tracking: 2D & 3D human and animal pose estimation.
- Body shape e...
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