Cristina Garcia Cifuentes
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Room no.: MRZ 1.A.20

I obtained my Master of Engineering in 2009 from Télécom ParisTech (ENST, France) and Telecom Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) after fulfilling a double degree program. During that time, I specialized in image processing and became interested in artificial intelligence and medical robotics.

I carried out my Master's final project as an intern in the research department of the Airbus Group (formerly EADS) in France, which was my first contact with industrial applications of machine learning.

My Ph.D. thesis topic was in the area of computer vision, on the analysis and classification of unconstrained monocular videos, with a focus on human action recognition. It was jointly supervised by Gabriel Brostow (University College London, UK) and Frédéric Jurie (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France) and partially funded by EADS France. We explored video descriptor quantization using random forests, and local and global representations of video for supervised learning.

Since 2013 I am a posdoctoral researcher in the Perceiving Systems department of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Tübingen, Germany) under the supervision of Michael J. Black. My research interests are shape analysis and non-rigid registration of images and video, and their biomedical applications. I currently work on the temporal aspects of optical flow estimation.

Motion models that only work sometimes
Garcia Cifuentes, C., Sturzel, M., Jurie, F. and Brostow, G.
In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2012, BMVA Press, pages 55.1-55.12, Surrey, UK. 2012.
How to Learn a Learning System: Automatic Decomposition of a Multiclass Task with Probability Estimates
Garcia Cifuentes, C. and Sturzel, M.
In ICAART 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, INSTICC Press, volume 1, pages 589-594, Valencia, Spain. 2010.