Søren Hauberg
Post doc. at the Section for Cognitive Systems at the Technical University of Denmark.
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: +45 24845351

New Position at DTU Compute

I am no longer a post doc at the Max Planck Institute, so this web page is not updated any more. My current employement is at DTU Compute: new web site.

A Summary of Me

Model what you can; learn the rest. A simple statement that summarizes my approach to computer vision, machine learning and science in general. I believe that we should always try to incorporate as much known information in our models before learning unknown parameters -- even if that means we have to derive new models from scratch! In practice, my work is mostly concerned with (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Statistics on manifolds;
  • Riemannian geometry;
  • Human motion, shape and recognition;
  • Time series analysis;
  • Monte Carlo techniques.


Most naturally occuring phenomena are complex enough to necessitate machine learning as an integral part of building models of said phenomena. However, with machine learning comes a need for large amounts of data, which may be hard to acquire, e.g. due to price and time constraints or simply because the phenomenon is rare in nature. In such cases we rely on expert knowledge to guide the learning scheme. Sadly, our tools for incorporating such knowledge are not very strong: we often resort to add hoc regularization techniques or seek indirect sources of information such as data labels.

I believe we can do better!

Fundamentally: the more we know, the less we have to learn from data. Often experts can provide more direct pieces of information about the phenomenon, e.g. that the solution has to satisfy a certain set of constraints or that a specific distance measure is to be prefered over the one naturally implied by the vector representation of the data (assuming such a representation even exist). Sadly, most machine learning techniques are incapable of incorporating these clues in a principled way. This often forces practitioners to ignore the expert knowledge which increases the need for data as now the machine learning technique also has to learn what the expert already knew.

My research revolves around the idea that we should incorporate as much expert knowledge as possible and only attempt to learn what we do not already know. As expert knowledge is most often not linear, we are forced away from Euclidean models. This removes one of the most fundamental assumptions behind modern statistical tools and we need to create new ones.

My current work is centred around Riemannian geometry as I find that to be a natural and practical way of incorporating further expert knowledge. Still, there are many problems which cannot be described in this setting...




Education and Employments

2014 - 2016 Post doc. at the Section for Cognitive Systems at the Technical University of Denmark.
2012 - 2014 Post doc. at the Perceiving Systems department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.
2011 - 2012 Post doc. at the department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen.
2008 - 2011 Phd in Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen.
2010 Visiting Scholar at CITRIS, UC Berkeley.
2008 Consultant in software and statistics at Dralle A/S.
2007 - 2008 Research assistant at the department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen.
2000 - 2007 Bachelor and Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen.
1994 - 2007 Various employments (dishwasher, secretary, toy salesman, teaching assistant, etc.)

Grants and Scholarships

2013 The Danish Council for Independent Research has kindly given me a Sapere Aude: DFF- Research Talent award.
2013 The Danish Council for Independent Research (Natural Sciences) will fund my post doc position at the Technical University of Denmark.
2013 has kindly donated access to their elastic cloud compute servers through an AWS in Education Machine Learning Research Grant award.
2011 The Villum Foundation fully funds my post doc at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. I was also offered a stipend from MPI for this position.
2010 The Danish Agency for Science and Technology and Innovation covered travel expenses and tuition for my visiting scholarship at Ruzena Bajcsy's group at CITRIS, UC Berkeley.
2008 My PhD was fully funded by a scholarship from the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.
2007 My Master's thesis was supported by a grant from the Body and Mind research priority at the University of Copenhagen.

Media Coverage

June 25, 2011 Parts of my PhD work was covered in the engineering news magazine Ingeniøren.
May 25, 2011 Parts of my PhD work was presented on Danish national radio in Harddisken.

Management Experience

Programmer As an extension to my PhD work, I have handled daily management of a research programmer employed to create demonstration software for physical rehabilitation.
Student Supervision

I am currently co-supervising Michael Schober with Philipp Hennig.

During my PhD studies, I have supervised 7 student projects including 2 master's theses. This  resulted in two publications.

Open Source As part of my contributions to Free and Open Source software development I have been leading the Octave-Forge project from 2006 to 2011. The project consists of 70+ independent developers.
Organization From 2012 to 2014 I organized the Intelligent Systems Colloquium talk series in Tübingen


In general, I try to make software as available as is practical (sometimes the burdens of maintaining software in public outweighs the benifits). Below are some stuff that is currently available. If you know I have software which could be useful to you, but is not available here, just send me an e-mail and I'll do my best to help you out.

Pose Estimation

Most of the software used in our papers in articulated tracking / pose estimate / whatever-you-call-it is available at

Metric Learning

The software developed for the NIPS 2012 paper used for regression and dimensionality reduction using multiple metrics can be found at the project website.

Various Helper Functions

Cholesky-like decomposition of positive semidefinite matrices: when sampling from a Gaussian with covariance matrix S the best solution is generally to perform a Cholesky decomposition S = RTR and multiply isotropic Gaussian samples with R. Sadly, this fails if S is positive semidefinite, which is very often the case. The standard solution is to perform an eigen value decomposition of S, but that can be computationally quite demanding in high dimensions. I put together a simple function that solves this problem reasonably well by first trying a Cholesky decomposition and, if that fails, then a LDL decomposition.
[Matlab code]

Grassmann Averages for Scalable Robust PCA
Hauberg, S., Feragen, A. and Black, M.J.
In Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 3810 -3817, Columbus, Ohio, USA. June 2014.
Model Transport: Towards Scalable Transfer Learning on Manifolds
Freifeld, O., Hauberg, S. and Black, M.J.
In Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 1378 -1385, Columbus, Ohio, USA. June 2014.
Probabilistic Solutions to Differential Equations and their Application to Riemannian Statistics
Hennig, P. and Hauberg, S.
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Microtome Publishing, volume 33, JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, pages 347-355, Brookline, MA. April 2014.
Unscented Kalman Filtering on Riemannian Manifolds
Hauberg, S., Lauze, F. and Pedersen, K.S.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(1):103-120, May 2013.
A Geometric Take on Metric Learning
Hauberg, S., Freifeld, O. and Black, M.J.
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 25, MIT Press, pages 2033-2041, 2012.
A geometric framework for statistics on trees
Feragen, A., Nielsen, M., Hauberg, S., Lo, P., de Bruijne, M. and Lauze, F.
Technical Report 11/02, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, January 2012.
HUMIM Software for Articulated Tracking
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
Technical Report 01/2012, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, January 2012.
Spatial Measures between Human Poses for Classification and Understanding
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 7378, LNCS, pages 26-36, 2012.
Natural Metrics and Least-Committed Priors for Articulated Tracking
Hauberg, S., Sommer, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
Image and Vision Computing, 30(6-7):453-461, 2012.
A Physically Natural Metric for Human Motion and the Associated Brownian Motion Model
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In 1st IEEE Workshop on Kernels and Distances for Computer Vision (ICCV workshop), 2011.
Spatial Models of Human Motion
Hauberg, S.
PhD thesis. University of Copenhagen, 2011.
Unscented Kalman Filtering for Articulated Human Tracking
Larsen, A.B.L., Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Image Analysis, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6688, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 228-237, 2011.
An Empirical Study on the Performance of Spectral Manifold Learning Techniques
Mysling, P., Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2011, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6791, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 347-354, 2011.
Predicting Articulated Human Motion from Spatial Processes
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2011.
Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
Feragen, A., Hauberg, S., Nielsen, M. and Lauze, F.
In Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, pages 736 -746, 2011.
Data-Driven Importance Distributions for Articulated Tracking
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6819, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 287-299, 2011.
Dense Marker-less Three Dimensional Motion Capture
Hauberg, S., Jensen, B.R., Engell-Nørregård, M., Erleben, K. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Virtual Vistas; Eleventh International Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2010.
GPU Accelerated Likelihoods for Stereo-Based Articulated Tracking
Friborg, R.M., Hauberg, S. and Erleben, K.
In The CVGPU workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2010, 2010.
Gaussian-like Spatial Priors for Articulated Tracking
Hauberg, S., Sommer, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Computer Vision – ECCV 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6311, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 425-437, 2010.
Stick It! Articulated Tracking using Spatial Rigid Object Priors
Hauberg, S. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Computer Vision – ACCV 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6494, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 758-769, 2010.
Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations
Sommer, S., Lauze, F., Hauberg, S. and Nielsen, M.
In Computer Vision – ECCV 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 6316, pages 43-56, 2010.
Interactive Inverse Kinematics for Monocular Motion Estimation
Engell-Nørregård, M., Hauberg, S., Lapuyade, J., Erleben, K. and Pedersen, K.S.
In The 6th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS), 2009.
Three Dimensional Monocular Human Motion Analysis in End-Effector Space
Hauberg, S., Lapuyade, J., Engell-Nørregård, M., Erleben, K. and Pedersen, K.S.
In Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 5681, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 235-248, 2009.
GNU Octave Manual Version 3
Eaton, J.W., Bateman, D. and Hauberg, S.
Network Theory Ltd., 2008.
An Efficient Algorithm for Modelling Duration in Hidden Markov Models, with a Dramatic Application
Hauberg, S. and Sloth, J.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2008.
Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
Nielsen, M., Johansen, P., Jackson, A., Lautrup, B. and Hauberg, S.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2008.