Varun Jampani
Ph.D. Student
Room no.: MRZ 1.B.13


I am PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Peter V. Gehler. My work lies at the intersection of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics. Specifically, I am interested in leveraing the existing Machine Learning techniques for better inference in generative Computer Vision models. 

At present, I am working on including physical properties into the visual inference process. The main research question is how to make use of sophisticated forward processes in computer graphics systems to facilitate scene understanding and description; and then to leverage Machine Learning techniques for efficient inference.



    Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany                                                                         (Jan’13 – till date)

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in computer vision and machine learning

    Supervised by Dr. Peter V. Gehler, Senior Research Scientist, MPI


    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), India                                                        (July’09 - Dec ’12)

    Master of Science (MS) by Research in computer sciences (CGPA: NA)                                                               

    Thesis Title: A Study of X-ray Image Perception for Pneumoconiosis Diagnosis


    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), India                                                      (July ’05 – May ’09)

    Bachelor of Technology (BTech) with Honours in computer sciences (CGPA: 9.68/10.0)                                                                   

    Gold Medalist and member of Dean’s list for all the semesters


Work Experience

    Research Internships

·       Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

Research Intern (July’14 – Oct’14)

Consensus message passing technique for making infer.NET viable for solving vision problems.

·       Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany

Visiting Researcher (July’12 – Oct’12)

Explored different ways of white balancing an image illuminated with multiple colored light sources.

·       Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Research Intern (Aug’09 – Oct’09)

Developed novel interfaces for web image search results using Silverlight.

·       Microsoft Advanced Technology Labs, Cairo, Egypt

Research Assistant (April’12 – July’12)

Developed an image classification system to index web images.

·       GE Global Research, Bengaluru, India

Research Intern (May’09 – July’09)

Analyzed experimental data for our perception studies on Pneumoconiosis diagnosis.

·       Cognitive Sciences Lab, IIIT-Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India

Research Assistant (July’08 – Dec’08)

Did experiments to test the usability of different pages on a famous Indian web portal.

   Software Development

·       Crypsis Technologies, Hyderabad, India

Software Development Engineer (Aug ’11 – Feb ’12)

Developed a web browser based service for mobile website testing using Objective C, Ruby etc…

·       Medical Imaging Solutions, Hyderabad, India

Software Development Engineer (Dec ’10 – March ’11)

Developed a DICOM communications and download monitor tool using QT-C++

   Teaching Experience

·       IIIT-Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India

Teaching Assistant for Computer Vision, Maths-1 and Maths-2 courses

Involved in conducting tutorial sessions, problem solving sessions and some mid-term exams

·       Tibetan Children’s Village, Dharamsala, India

Volunteer Teacher (Sept’10 – July’11)

Taught Mathematics, Physics and Biology for class-IX, X and XI students

Consensus Message Passing for Layered Graphical Models
Jampani*, V., Eslami*, S.M.A., Tarlow, D., Kohli, P. and Winn, J.
In Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, volume 38, pages 425-433, May 2015.
Efficient Facade Segmentation using Auto-Context
Jampani*, V., Gadde*, R. and Gehler, P.V.
In Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2015 IEEE Winter Conference on, IEEE, IEEE, pages 1038-1045, January 2015.
The Informed Sampler: A Discriminative Approach to Bayesian Inference in Generative Computer Vision Models
Jampani, V., Nowozin, S., Loper, M. and Gehler, P.V.
In Special Issue on Generative Models in Computer Vision and Medical Imaging, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, volume 136, pages 32-44, July 2015.
A Study of X-Ray Image Perception for Pneumoconiosis Detection
Jampani, V.
MastersThesis: A Master's thesis. IIIT-Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India, January 2013.
Assessment of Computational Visual Attention Models on Medical Images
Jampani, V., Ujjwal, Sivaswamy, J. and Vaidya, V.
Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ACM, Mumbai, India. pages 80:1-80:8, December 2012.
Role of expertise and contralateral symmetry in the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis: an experimental study
Jampani, V., Vaidya, V., Sivaswamy, J. and Tourani, K.L.
In Proc. SPIE 7966, Medical Imaging: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, volume 2011, Florida. March 2011.
ImageFlow: Streaming Image Search
Jampani, V., Ramos, G. and Drucker, S.
Technical Report Microsoft Research, 2010.